But I really had to find time to record some things Joshua's been doing that are so neat. For instance, he made his first joke. Yes, at 14 months he's already such a jokester. He was in the bath, and our ritual has been for him to drink water from his bathroom cup with the fish in the bottom. He'll ask for it (with signs) if I forget, and this night was no different. "Water, cold, water, cold, fish, fish." That's his way of asking for cold water in his fish cup. So I got up and got him water in his fish cup, and he made sure to remind me between sips that it was "water, cold, fish." Somewhere in there, though, he signed something a little different. He looked at me a little out of the corner of his eye, and he signed "Water, cold, tree." Then - no kidding - he laughed so hard his belly jiggled and his little eyes squinted shut. A joke! "No, silly, there's no tree in your water," I replied, to which he laughed a little more, and then that was that. Seems so simple, but was a huge moment it was for us.

And what a sweet little boy he's turned out to be. We get so many hugs and kisses, but I'm a little jealous of . . . well, of Tigger. You see, Tigger gets the bulk of the hugs now, but it's so precious that I try not to be too envious. There's a bear, too, who gets an ample share, but Tigger is the animal to be in our house. I'm thinking that at some point we need to get to the store to buy another Tigger - a spare to have around just in case, you know? It's only because of the horror stories I've heard about Tiggers (or whatever they may be in other households) being lost in the abyss, and kids not sleeping for nights, that I feel we should do this. But doesn't it also seem a little silly? To keep a spare stuffed animal around, and even to switch out every once in a while so they wear evenly? Of course, I say that now . . . hopefully the dreaded day of the lost Tigger will never come for us.
And another milestone that we've reached, but there isn't a spot in the baby book - Joshua will wear a hat now. He's so easy to reason with, and listens so very well, that I decided one day to tell him that he needed to keep his hat on so that the sun wouldn't be in his eyes. Then I put the hat on, and it stayed on! He was even very proud of wearing it, so that he had to reach up and feel it from time to time, and remind me that he was wearing it so that I would say "Yes, Joshua, you look so handsome in your hat." He would shiver with happiness - that little scrunch and shake of the shoulders that they do when they just can't contain the joy inside, and go on watching the birds. Oh what a big boy he's getting to be, my sweet, joking, hat-wearing little one. I wonder what he'll be like when he's older - 6, or 10, or even 16. I hope beyond hope that he'll stay as sweet as he is now, and that he won't be tainted by the world. That his innocence and joy will stay with him, and that he'll always love his mama.
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