It's official, we finally have a one year-old in our house. A precious, smart, sweet little non-walking one year-old. It's funny that a year marks the beginning of toddler hood, but not the actual act of walking. Wouldn't you think that toddling makes a baby a toddler? Semantics.

The big event - the party - was spectacular. Of course, as all first birthdays go, it was more for me and Tim than for Joshua, but Joshua really and truly had fun. We invited several of the moms that I've become friends with from MOPS and bible study, and their kids came . . . we ended up with a pretty big crowd, but it was at our apartment pool, so it wasn't crazy claustrophobic. Joshua loved the Subway sandwiches, and couldn't have cared less about the cake. In fact, he was much more interested in feeding us the cake than in eating it himself! And he watched as the bigger kids helped him unwrap his gifts, since he was ambivalent about opening them himself - the neat thing is that when he watches the big kids, I really think that he thinks he's playing, too! Right along with them, even though all he's doing is watching. So he had a blast and we got lots of loud toys that are slowly driving us insane. It's Chinese water torture, baby-style.
The other big event was less than spectacular. It involved lots of tears as well as some very explosive vomiting. Joshua had his first throwing up episode - not the day of his birthday, thank goodness, but the day after. Poor, poor little man. He didn't know what to do, or what was going on. His questioning eyes broke my heart - "I don't know what's happening and I really don't like it; I don't know what to do so please make it stop . . . " and there was nothing we could do for him. Fortunately it was a one-time thing and not a virus or anything like that, so we cleaned everything up and he had a normal rest of the day. We still haven't been able to completely get rid of the carpet stain, though. We'll keep working on it.
And I'm wondering if the throwing up was a result of stress . . . you might wonder what our little guy has to be stressed out about. I'll tell you - FOUR molars. Only two of the four have come through this week, but the others are so, so close. His gums are swollen and he's feverish, and he can't sleep well at night. Looking back I can see how naive and foolish I was when he got his first tooth at four months. My exact thoughts were "Thank goodness that's over!" Unbelievable. It never ends.
The only other big thing that's happening for us is that Tim has NINE DAYS off work!! It's our first vacation, and I couldn't be more excited. We're heading to Southern California for Tim to be in a friend's wedding, and the rest of the time we'll spend relaxing together at home, going swimming and maybe playing games at night after Joshua is in bed. (My husband loves playing games, and so one of the things I'm working on in my quest to always be a better wife is to set aside time for games. It's harder than you think, since we're not used to it and it's so much easier to pop a video into the DVD player.) Wow - a week off, a trip to California, and the 4th of July (my very favorite holiday, by the way) coming up next week. Does it get any better than this?!
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