And while we're on the topic of bowel movements, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Joshua has had several in his little potty. Not just one or two fluke poops, but intentional ones. He even tells us that he needs to go to the bathroom. "Joshua poopy . . . diaper change." Only I guess it comes out sounding more like, "Dofwa poopy . . . diap-achange." But he's really not poopy yet, so we ask ever so nonchalantly, "Joshua, do you want to sit on your potty?" And oh, the affirmation that comes with that question!
The thing is, I've known for quite a while now that I don't want to be an early potty-trainer, and push the whole process on Joshua before he's ready. And I'm hesitant to say that we're truly potty-training, because we're not. There are several things that need to happen first; Joshua should probably be able to pull down his pants by himself. I'm just guessing, but I would tend to think that the inability to de-clothe would hinder using the toilet. Just a guess.
But enough bodily function discussion. Isn't it amazing how the littlest things in our lives mean so, so much at the time? A year from now I'll read back over this and laugh at how serious I thought it was.

Trucks almost take a back seat, though, to Thomas. Virtually every discussion we have revolves around Thomas, or Percy, or how Toby crashed into the flour mill, but it was an accident so he said "sorry." We have these conversations mostly at meal times. I'm not sure what it is about meatloaf that triggers thoughts of trains, but it certainly does, and with unrivalled joy he recounts it over and over and over. And as a mother who loves her growing baby oh so much, I relive it with him, moment by moment. I'm truly the happiest when he's so happy too.
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