Friday, April 07, 2006

11/2/05 - Jesus and Stuff

I sat down at the computer tonight to write a little about our lives - but first things first, of course, I must check the TV listings to make sure I'm not missing, say, a surprise episode of "Grey's Anatomy" that the networks have decided to sneak into the lineup, or - oh my, suddenly "CSI" has moved time slots, and is on right now. Isn't it horrible, the way TV sometimes dictates our lives? Okay, I know not everybody plans their nights around their favorite sitcoms, but we find that sometimes - well, sometimes we do. Can we rent a movie? It depends - what's on TV? Can we play a game? But there's a season premiere on tonight that we just can't miss. And the thing is, it sneaks up on you slowly . . . at first it's only one show, one night. Then another, then another. Before long you find yourself flipping aimlessly through the channels, mumbling about how "there's nothing on tonight," but still you sit there. At least that's how it is for us, but maybe we're the only ones in the world? I think not. So now's the time to make the break . . . I hereby solemnly vow to be a more creative, more active, less couch-potatoey person.

Whew. That's done and I feel much better. Now I can focus on the things that really matter - like antibiotics and Jesus.

First things first: Joshua is in the middle of his first antibiotic prescription of his life. We made it 16 months, and then finally had to bite the bullet and go to the pharmacy. I won't go into detail, but it basically involves a diaper rash that's actually a bacterial infection. The doctor we took him to advised us to put Neosporin on before the diaper rash cream, but wrote a prescription "just in case." Maybe he could tell that I was hesitant about the antibiotics - I was raised in a generation that, in my opinion, was over-medicated (amoxicillin for the masses - tastes like bubble gum!), and I don't want Joshua to build up the same resistance that I did. Also, here's the truth - secretly, it's like I was proud of myself as a mom that he had never needed them. I somehow attribute it to his healthy diet and continued nursing, and I know these things help - but they're also not the end all, be all of healthy children everywhere. Anyway, to make a long story . . . even longer, I guess - we were changing Joshua several days after the doctor visit, and we were holding him down while he screamed and writhed in pain. Enough was enough, and Tim and I only needed to experience a diaper change like that once to get us in action. And I was, of course, pleasantly surprised that giving him the antibiotics only made me feel only the teensiest bit like a failure ;-)

And Joshua's newest favorite thing in the world that he just can't get enough of? Jesus, of course. He has a toddler Bible with little cartoon pictures of Noah, Moses, Adam and Eve . . . and Jesus, too. Which is actually the page that he has to turn to, is driven to turn to, no matter how much we try to show him Daniel in the lion's den, or baby Moses, or anything else for that matter. It's actually probably something that we've brought upon ourselves, because, since the title of the page is "Jesus Loves the Little Children," we would sing the song every time the page came around. So Joshua learned the sign for Jesus, and asks us to sing the song approximately 78 times a day. Believe me, I wish I was exaggerating. But it's absolutely so adorable, when he signs and says "Deesh, deesh," all the while swaying back and forth in his anticipatory dance. And really, it doesn't bother us at all that he's so enamored. I mean, he couldn't have chosen anyone better, right?


UPDATE: Read this article posted Nov. 8:
Children still get too many prescriptions for antibiotics

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