Joshua walks around the house with a towel on his head (reminiscent of Casper), babbling on and on about how he is “idee” . . . hiding. And finally, the clincher – he spends about 50% of his bathtime hiding his penis. How funny is it that, entertaining and innocent as it is, it’s something we just don’t bring up in casual conversation? I can see it now . . .
“Oh, yes, Billy knows his ABC’s now . . . we used flashcards . . . isn’t he so smart?”
“Yes, that’s wonderful – my son hides his penis between his legs.”
Top that.
Also, we bought a training potty the other day, and Joshua loves it. He’ll carry it around the apartment saying “bobby . . . bobby.” But we’re not really potty-training him yet. The thing is, I got tired of washing the bathmat every night. Yes, our nightly ritual included Joshua running around the bathroom naked until he decided to stand square in the middle of the bath mat to mark his territory. Every night does not a coincidence make. So now he sits on his “bobby” before bathtime, strains with all of his might, and manages quite a little bit of potty! We’re just as proud of Joshua as he is of himself, and he’s mighty inflated about it right now, too.
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