But we didn't really get Joshua his own phone. What really happened is that Tim has had an ancient and broken (but still operable) cell phone for quite a while now, and we finally decided to bite the bullet and get him a new one. (And it's a great Father's Day gift, as well - bonus!) So Joshua inherited the old one, and I have NEVER seen him so attached to anything in his short little life. Ever! He doesn't let go of it, and to pry it from his chubby little hands just to do something like - gasp - feed him dinner, or bathe him, or anything else so horrible is pure agony.
And part of me wonders . . . do I spend so much time on the phone that he's put such importance on it as well? In his one year of life all he's watched me do is talk on the phone? No books, no playing, no snacks, just phone. Mostly, though, I know that's not true, and he's just got a weird attachment to a neat new toy. It's just my paranoid side coming out. My first-child-have-to-do-everything-right-or-I'm-a-horrible-mom side. I'm working on it.
More importantly, we're celebrating Father's Day today!! The day where my loving and

So what did we wake up to? Joshua calling "Didduh, dadada, didduh?" It would have been sweet and prosaic, but no. Instead he woke up, said good morning to Tigger, and promptly demanded to be held and played with. Like it was HIS special day! Of course, without Joshua there would be no Father's Day (or Mother's Day) for us at all, so I guess every day kind of is his special day.
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